November 18, 2020

Band Coaching

„Band Coaching“

No matter if your band consists of band beginners or has been on stages for years, here you will get the support you need.
For band beginners, we will discuss the basics of working in and with a band up to the first gigs.
Experienced bands will be checked out, where there are situations where the band is stuck in their own ways or has become “operation-blind”. Here the band coach’s task is to discover these shortcomings or abilities, discuss them with the band and make suggestions for improvement.
Maybe your band stopped playing music years ago, but this offer makes it “itch” to play together again. Here you get new impulses until you get back to work on stage.
Regardless of the style, whether it’s cover versions of existing songs or original compositions, the group immediately gets professional feedback regarding the song itself, groove, harmonies, melody progressions, song structure, arrangement, instrumentation and much more.
Regardless of the level of the band, general issues are discussed and possibly improved in the beginning, and later on the band’s specific needs are addressed in detail.
The topics “stage presence” and “contract design” up to the supervision of the first performances are also part of this coaching if desired. On the basis of professional contracts (own contracts, contracts from the Scriptum Music Business from the University of Maine, etc.) we compare how contracts can/should be structured, what they should contain, how far one should go into detail, what should possibly be left out, etc.

Price according to agreement

guitar [at]
